​Ever heard the phrase “you can’t pour from an empty cup”? Unfortunately, all too often we get caught into the never ending cycle of life that we forget to take care of ourselves. How many of us actually take time out to replenish our souls? Prioritizing self-care is a key to managing stress. But first, effective stress management starts with identifying sources of stress in your life such as major life changes, losses, relationship issues, social distancing…etc. Look closely at your habits and attitudes. How do you define stress?
More specifically, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken an emotional and physical toll on many. Although, everyone reacts differently to stress but one thing is for certain which is healthy coping skills can help you manage and break the hold stress has on your life. Below are a few tips on how to manage stress during difficult times:

Prioritize Self-care:
Take care of yourself so that you’re able to take care of others. Make it a priority to take time out to recharge your batteries and replenish your soul. Create a routine where self-care is on the top of your list. Do something for yourself every day; you can go for a walk, talk to someone you trust, practice a hobby, offer a prayer for yourself…etc. You are worth at least 5 minutes three times a day.

Stay connected:
Although, it is necessary to social distance in order to protect yourself and your loved ones. However, you can still stay connected to your loved ones through phone calls, facetime/zoom/text messaging…etc.. Staying in touch with your support system is significant in managing your stress. Complete isolation and social withdrawal can increase your stress and anxiety levels.

While it is easier said than done; but accepting that some things in life are beyond our control is the best way to cope with stress in certain cases. Acceptance does not mean giving up; rather it is seeing the situation for what it is in order to define the role you are going to play. Avoid trying to control the uncontrollable; instead shift your focus to the things you can control such as the way you choose to react to your circumstances.

Spirituality & Faith:
Research suggests that spirituality and faith have a meaningful effect on coping with stress and overall happiness. There comes a time in everyone’s life when nothing will make sense. But, faith is believing that regardless of the circumstances, everything will still turn out to be fine. In Romans 8:28, the Bible says “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose”. In other words, when we are able to rely on God’s promises; we will be comforted and we’ll find hope in Him.

​Finally, if left untreated, stress can put your entire wellbeing at risk. Self-care is essential to managing your stress and bringing your emotional state to equilibrium. Get started now and start showing yourself some love. Get in the habit of prioritizing your self-care and stick to it. Take control of your environment and do the things that make you happy. Lastly; if you think you are struggling to cope and you feel that you are in crisis; reach out for professional help. Taking care of your mental health is as equally important as your physical health. Don’t be ashamed to seek help!

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